Category Archives: Testosterone

Can Pine Pollen Really Boost Testosterone Levels?

Workout to Boost Testosterone with Pine Pollen

Yes, pine pollen can boost testosterone levels in men and women with low testosterone. There are 4 reasons why pine pollen works to boost testosterone levels, all are discussed below. Natural androgens, zinc, magnesium, vitamin D and amino acids all contribute to the anabolic effects of pine pollen.

Natural Androgens – Everyone in the fitness industry knows about soy and how it produces hormones that mimic estrogen. Well, pine pollen is like the anabolic version of that, as it releases androgens that mimic the effects of testosterone in your body. These androgens will help your body to free up some testosterone as the androgenic effects will lower estrogen levels slightly, especially if they are elevated. It wouldn’t be right to say that pine pollen is as strong as steroids and prohormones, but some say if you consume too much of it on a daily basis your body will stop producing testosterone on its own. So, don’t go crazy with your pine pollen consumption, there are limits. If you take the correct dose your body will respond well and produce more testosterone.

Zinc and Magnesium – In the natural bodybuilding community there are thousands of men who take ZMA supplements, which contain Zinc and Magnesium. This is because these two minerals are proven to boost testosterone levels, and pine pollen contains a great deal of both of these minerals. Don’t waste your money on ZMA supplements when you can just purchase pine pollen that also contains androgens and Vitamin D.

Vitamin D – The entire health and fitness community understand and already know that Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins you can consume. Vitamin D has so many benefits, and boosting testosterone levels is one of them. Although Vitamin D isn’t going to boost your levels by much, if you exercise, eat right and take pine pollen you will see some great results!

Amino Acids – The building block of life, amino acids. Pine pollen is a complete protein, consisting of many amino acids that will help you recover from workouts. More potent pine pollen supplements will contain more amino acids than others, it depends on what form of pine pollen you consume. Tinctures are stronger than capsules in most cases, but it highly depends on product you are taking.